Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Practice Review 2017

Available in Russian

Authors: Oscar Parra Vera, Patricia Tarre Moser

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2018-1-3-19

Keywords: environmental protection; Inter-American Court of Human Rights; International Humanitarian Law; judicial protection; justiciability of social rights; LGBTI rights; logical research guidelines; military training


This article focuses on the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for 2017. Through an analysis of the Court’s principal rulings and advisory opinions, the authors’ main purpose is to identify the innovations and progress of the Court’s jurisprudence in specific subjects, thus establishing its potential contributions not only for the State’s national law and the Inter-American system, but also for other regional human rights protection systems. The cases reviewed cover a wide range of subjects that include, among others, environmental protection and human rights, guarantees in military training, the observation and application of logical research guidelines, the application of International Humanitarian Law in international armed conflicts, LGBTI rights and the duties of the States concerning not only individuals but the community as a whole, the direct justiciability of social rights under Article 26 of the American Convention of Human Rights, transitional justice, judicial guarantees, and effective judicial protection. In order to achieve this purpose and for the sake of clarity, the article is organized by subject, concerning the main topic developed by each decision, and grouping them accordingly.

About the authors: Oscar Parra Vera – MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Magistrate at the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia, former Senior Legal Officer at the Inter-American  Court of Human Rights, Bogota, Colombia; Patricia Tarre Moser – LL.M., Attorney at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Intern at the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, San-Jose, Costa Rica.

Citation: Parra Vera O., Tarre Moser P. (2018) Mezhamerikanskiy Sud po pravam cheloveka: obzor praktiki za 2017 god [Inter-American Court of Human Rights: practice review 2017]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, no. 1, pp. 3–19. (In Russian).