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Authors: Ekaterina Diyachenko, Kirill Entin
DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2019-1-3-22
Keywords: competition law; direct applicability of the EAEU law; direct effect of the EAEU law; Eurasian economic commission; Eurasian Economic Union Court; free movement of goods; free movement of workers; monitoring and control; principle of proportionality; supremacy of the EAEU law
The year 2018 marked an important milestone in the development of the Eurasian Economic Union Court’s case-law. In its advisory opinions and judgments the Court sought not only to reply to the questions raised by the applicants, but also to formulate universal legal positions, capable to influence law enforcement in the Eurasian Economic Union and its Member-States. Among the general aspects of the functioning of the Union it is necessary to note the development of the Court’s case-law on the general characteristics of EAEU law – primacy and direct effect. According to the authors, primacy is no longer considered by the Court as a purely internal approach but as the duty of national courts to set aside the provisions of national law which conflict with the law of the Union. The Court has also enshrined the possibility in certain fields to rely on the provisions of EAEU law in the relations between individuals thus establishing the horizontal direct effect of the Union law. Finally, a systematic recourse by the Court to the principle of proportionality may be viewed as a step towards the formulation of general principles of Union law. In the framework of competition law the authors analyze the approach of the Court in accordance to which the coordination of economic activity and the conclusion of vertical agreements form separate violations of the general rules of competition. According to the authors the Court sought in its acts to interpret the Commission powers as broadly as possible and the advisory opinion on coordination has been no exception. Another example is the Court’s interpretation of the Commission’s powers of monitoring and controlling the application of Union law by the Member States and of their duty to comply with the Commission’s decisions taken following such monitoring. The Court’s first advisory opinion in the field of free movement of workers was another landmark event of the year as the Court defined its general approach towards this category of cases and gave a definition to the key concepts enacted in the EAEU Treaty.
About the authors: Kirill Entin – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Counsellor of the Legal research and analysis department, Eurasian Economic Union Court, Minsk, Belarus; guest lecturer, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; Ekaterina Diyachenko – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Counsellor to a judge, Eurasian Economic Union Court, Minsk, Belarus.
Citation: Entin K., Diyachenko E. Obzor praktiki Suda Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza v 2018 godu [An overview of the case-law of the Eurasian Economic Union Court in 2018]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, vol.9, no.1, pp.3–22. (In Russian).
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