The constitutionalization of the right of integration associations: an independent phenomenon or echoes of global constitutionalism?

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Author: Konstantin Chayka

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2020-1-67-78

Keywords: constitutional monism; constitutionalization; Eurasian Economic Union; European Union; fragmentation; pluralism of international law


Fragmentation is one of the phenomena of modern international law. It has been examined in detail at the doctrinal level in both Russian and foreign science, and has been represented in the report of the Working Group of the UN International Law Commission. Whereas the process of constitutionalization of international law remains by far less examined by domestic doctrine, and is considered inexorably associated with its fragmentation and opposing it. The purpose of the author is to study the existing approaches to the constitutionalization of general international law and the law of integration associations using the European Union as an example. Following the results of studying such areas as normative, social, and institutional constitutionalism, it has been concluded that despite the absence of constitutionalization properties in general international law, its manifestations may be found in the law of integration associations. The practice of the European Union shows that codification of fundamental human rights, the judicial review system of acts of the EU institutions, and the inherent properties of its law such as supremacy, direct force, and direct applicability testify to the accomplished constitutionalization of the law and order of the European Union. Using the method of comparative analysis allows for the author’s conclusion about the commenced constitutionalization of the law of the Eurasian Economic Union. This process is evidenced by the transfer of part of the powers of member states to the supranational level and restriction of their sovereignty in the relevant areas, regulation of these public relations by the law of the Eurasian Economic Union, which is characterized by supremacy, direct effect and direct applicability. A review of the concept of constitutional pluralism prevailing in the doctrine of European Union law makes it possible to conclude that this model is acceptable for understanding the interaction of national constitutional law and order systems of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union and the integration association. An approach when interaction of the constitutional courts of the member states and the court of the integration association is based on mutual respect seems to be reasonable; one of its manifestations is the requirement for each actor of constitutional normative control to motivate their decisions as part of the union law and legal order.

About the author: Konstantin Chayka – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Merited Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Judge of the EAEU Court, Minsk, Belarus.

Citation: Chayka K. (2020) Konstitutsionalizatsiya integratsionnykh pravoporyadkov kak fenomen mezhdunarodnogo prava? [The constitutionalization of the right of integration associations: an independent phenomenon or echoes of global constitutionalism?]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, vol.10, no.1, pp.67–78. (In Russian).


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