DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2016-2-3-16
The article focuses on the case-law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights from 2015. Over this period, the Inter-American Court faced for the first time different issues. For example, in Wong Ho Wing v. Peru the Court examined how States should handle a request for extradition when death penalty may be applicable. In Gonzales Lluy et al v. Ecuador the Court confronted a case concerning discrimination against persons living with HIV, as well of other factor of discrimination against the victim. The Court considered this case as a case of intersectional discrimination. In this same case, the Court declared for the first time a breach of the right to education, stated on the Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (“Protocol of San Salvador”). Additionally in the case Lopez Lone et al v. Honduras the Court examined the issue of freedom of expression of judges after a coup d´Etat that took place in Honduras in 2009. Furthermore, in 2015 the Inter-American Court dealt also which cases concerning the use of force in a non-international armed conflict, freedom of expression and democracy, indirect restriction of freedom of expression, sanitation and protection of the environment in indigenous territory, right of indigenous peoples to prior consultation, difference between enforced disappearance and extrajudicial killing, feminicide in Guatemala, among others. The article is not a detailed analysis of the cases issued in 2015, but a review of the new aspects of the case law issued last year.
About the authors: Oscar Parra Vera – MSc. Candidate in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Oxford University, former Junior (2007–2009) and Senior Attorney (2010–2015) at the Inter- American Court of Human Rights; Patricia Tarre Moser – LL.M., associate at Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Intern at Inter- American Commission on Human Rights.
Citation: Parra Vera O., Tarre Moser P. (2016) Obzor sudebnoy praktiki Mezhamerikanskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka za 2015 god [Inter-American Court of Human Rights practice review 2015]. Mezhdunarodnoye pravosudie, no.2, pp.3–16. (In Russian).