International investment law meets new challenges

Available in Russian

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2016-2-129-134

Keywords: international investment law


А book review: Hindelang S., Krajewski M. (eds.) Shifting Paradigms in International Investment Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

This review examines a collection of articles by scholars and lawyers under the title “Changing paradigms in international investment law” (Oxford University Press, 2016), edited by Markus Krajewski and Steffen Hindelang. These articles describe the current problems of the theory and practice of international investment law. The main of them is finding a balance between the interests of foreign investors and countries which host direct foreign investments. According to the authors of the articles in this book, the key to solve many issues related to this problem may be the sustainable development principle. Moreover, as the author of this review points out, the problems identified in this volume are of great importance for Russia, both in terms of using the worldwide experience for the purposes of the Eurasian integration, and in terms of Russia’s more active involvement in the discussion of and solving the burning issues of international investment law.

About the author: Rachkov Ilya – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, LL.M., Associate Professor, International Law, MGIMO University.

Citation: Rachkov I. (2016) Mezhdunarodnoe investitsionnoe pravo pered novymi vyzovami: Retsenziya na: Shifting Paradigms in International Investment Law / ed. by Steffen Hindelang and Markus Krajewski. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016 [International investment law meets new challenges: А book review of Hindelang S., Krajewski M. (eds.) Shifting Paradigms in International Investment Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, no.2, pp.129–134. (In Russian).


Rachkov I. (2015) Primeneniye dvustoronnikh investitsionnykh dogovorov rossiyskimi sudami [Application of bilateral investments agreements by Russian courts]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, no.3, pp.71–92.