International principles of the independent judiciary: An outline to study of fair trial standards in the context of judicial independence

Available in Russian

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2016-2-119-124


International principles of the judiciary were not born, as many people believe nowadays, in the postwar period. They are a product of a long development of the human civilization, and relevant judicial institutions were rooted deep in the Biblical era. The modern incarnation of these institutions and principles, on which they dwell, are now enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, in the European and other regional human rights conventions, as well as in a number of other documents adopted by the global and national judicial communities. Justice standards are closely linked with the right of a citizen to a fair trial, as well as with other human rights, and to oppose those forms of judicial “technology”, which ignore or even disregard procedural safeguards (e.g. due process of law) and which often negate the very administration of justice and strongly challenge the independence of judges. The author pays special attention to the organization and functioning of the judiciary and courts in the post-communist Russia and other post-Soviet countries in the times of transition to rule of law – and considers these examples and issues through the prism of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. The practice of the European Court of Human Rights in its efforts to restore and support the suppressed and violated right to a fair trial, as it appears evident from the examples discussed by the author, clearly demonstrates the scope and character of all actual, acute and urgent problems.

About the author: Anatoly Kovler – Doctor of Science in Law, Law Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University and at the National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights (1999–2012).

Citation: Kovler A. (2016) Mezhdunarodnye printsipy nezavisimoy sudebnoy vlasti: K probleme issledovaniya standartov spravedlivogo pravosudiya v kontekste sudeyskoy nezavisimosti [International principles of the independent judiciary. An outline to study of fair trial standards in the context of judicial independence]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, no.2, pp.119–124. (In Russian).


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