The comparative study of functioning of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union

Available in Russian

Author: Kembaev Zhenis

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2016-2-30-45


This article examines legal aspects of functioning of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU Court) in the course of comparative analysis of its main legal features with the same characteristics of other supranational judicial bodies – such as, for example, Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS EC); the already non-existent Court of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC Court, 2012 to 2014) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). Concluding the article, the author notes that the EAEU Court has a number of advantages over the CIS EC: for example, the EAEU Court is empowered to take binding decisions, while applications to the Court may submit not only member states but also economic and business entities. However, at the same time, in many respects, EAEU Court appears much weaker institution compared to the EurAsEC Court: in particular, the judges of the EAEU Court are heavily dependent on the public authorities of the Union (e.g. the High Council) and on the member states authorities. The Court also is not endowed with the power to determine the order and procedure of decision enforcement and to indicate provisional measures. Pointing out a significant setback in building an effectual judicial authority within the Eurasian integration, with EAEU Court having in this respect no similarities with ECJ, the author says that the EAEU itself has an extremely unstable structure which has no solid legal basis. Only the concerted, competent, both politically and legally consistent and relevant actions of the Court and the EAEU Commission could contribute to the progressive development of the Eurasian law and gradual consolidation of the Eurasian integration.

About the author: Zhenis Kembayev – Dr. jur. (University of Cologne), Professor at the University KIMEP, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Citation: Kembayev Zh. (2016) Sravnitel'no-pravovoy analiz funktsinirovaniya Suda Evraziyskogo Ekonomicheskogo Soyuza [The comparative study of functioning of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, no.2, pp.30–45. (In Russian).


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