Author: Artur Gulasarian
DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2018-2-28-43
Keywords: disputes; international courts and tribunals; international organizations; non-judicial procedures of dispute resolution; state practice; UN International Law Commission
Both the proliferation of international organizations and the increasing role they play in almost every field of international relations over the last decades has made the rise in the number of disputes involving international organizations inevitable. Based on an analysis of the texts of constituent instruments of a number of international organizations, international treaties, state practice, and contemporary doctrine of international law, this paper highlights the modes of dispute settlement involving international organizations (such as settlement of disputes between international organizations and member-states, settlement of disputes between international organizations and non-member states, settlement of disputes between international organizations and non-state actors, settlement of disputes between organs of international organizations, settlement of disputes between members of international organizations), reveals the key features of different procedures (judicial and non-judicial) of dispute settlement involving international organizations at both the universal and regional levels, identifies issues that need to be addressed within the context of particular procedures of dispute settlement, and assesses the prospects for their use. The paper also offers some insights into where the topic of “The settlement of international disputes to which international organizations are parties,” which was proposed for inclusion in the long-term program of work of the UN International Law Commission in 2016, will need to go in the future. In doing so, this paper argues that the topic meets the requirements for selection of new topics set by the International Law Commission and that it is ripe for codification and progressive development. This paper suggests that the existence of an adequate international system of dispute settlement involving international organizations is an essential means of ensuring the independent and proper functioning of such organizations.
About the author: Artur Gulasarian – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Senior Lecturer, Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Moscow, Russia.
Citation: Gulasarian A. (2018) Mezhdunarodnye organizatsii i razreshenie mezhdunarodnykh sporov: nekotorye problemy, tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiya [International organizations and dispute settlement: some issues, trends and prospects]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, vol.8, no.2, pp.28–43. (In Russian).
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