Bodies of international justice in the integration systems of the modern world

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Authors: Anatoly Kovler, Evgeniy Fokin

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2019-2-44-61

Keywords: courts of integration associations; integration law; judicial precedents; regional integration


This article continues a series of modern theoretical developments in the field of legal problems of the integration of states. At the same time, this study proposes to address the current problems of integration from a new perspective and to consider in detail the contribution of international courts to the strengthening of the integration processes. For these purposes the authors generalize and systematize the conceptual apparatus of “integration law”, which is at times contradictory and controversial. Thus, the article emphasizes that not every form of international cooperation of states can be qualified as integration. A distinctive feature of an integration association is the functioning of a unique court with the competency, first of all, of interpretation, including prejudicial interpretation of the agreements and treaties of these associations, as well as the competency of dispute resolution between states and bodies of these associations. The influence of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the integration processes is studied in detail. This article highlights the trends of judicial practice and the most significant legal positions of this body of international justice. Bypassing the too ambiguous question of whether this court is a “Constitutional court of Europe”, the authors conclude that European law (both in general and its principles and individual areas of regulation) was formed under the influence of the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The article also emphasizes the significant potential of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union in strengthening “Community law” and promoting its uniform application. The authors of the study do not aim to compare this court with the justice bodies of other integration associations and proceed from the fact that the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union has its own original way of development. Finally, this article provides the reader with an overview of an integration justice system in Latin America and Africa. Unfortunately, these international courts often are not the focus of scientific interest of Russian scientists, while integration processes are developing very fast on these continents. In a similar way, the authors attempted to analyze the development of the case-law of Latin American and African international courts and the main legal principles and legal ideas guiding these bodies of international justice.

About the authors: Anatoly Kovler – Doctor of Sciences in Law, Professor, Head of Center, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law; judge (in ret.) of the ECHR, Moscow, Russia; Evgeniy Fokin – Research Fellow, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law; Ph.D. student, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; Veronika Cherenkova – Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law; Ph.D. student, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.

Citation: Kovler A., Fokin E., Cherenkova V. (2019) Organy mezhdunarodnogo pravosudiya v integratsionnykh sistemakh sovremennogo mira [Bodies of international justice in the integration systems of the modern world]. Mezhdu­narodnoe pravosudie, vol.9, no.2, pp.44–61. (In Russian).


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