Enforcement of Annulled Foreign Arbitral Awards: Welcome Development or Pathway to Uncertainty?Enforcement of Annulled Foreign Arbitral Awards: Welcome Development or Pathway to Uncertainty?

Available in Russian

Author: Anna Matveeva

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2016-3-18-36

Keywords: annulment of foreign arbitral decisions; enforcement of foreign arbitral decisions; international commercial arbitration; seat of arbitration; The United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958


One of the most debatable topics in the field of the development of international commercial arbitration is the legal status of the vacated foreign arbitral awards and the possibility of their enforcement abroad. This problem is relevant both when defining a common doctrinal approach, and while ensuring the uniformity of global judicial practice, including in case of international economic disputes. Nowadays the dispute between the members of international arbitration community as to the enforceability of foreign arbitral awards set aside in the country of origin is far from being settled. There are several key aspects, regarding which a consensus is so elusive. Firstly, it is a matter of interpretation of generally accepted international conventions, aimed at the proliferation of international commercial arbitration as the all-purpose, independent and effective way of dispute resolution, but also at the protection of the interests of each participant to the arbitration process, regardless of the country where a foreign award is enforced by local courts. Secondly, it is a need to preserve a high degree of autonomy of the actors of international commercial arbitration from the requirements of the national law, the permissibility of coexistence of several diametrically opposed decisions in the same case in different jurisdictions, and, finally, the finality and extraterritoriality of arbitral awards.

About the author: Anna Matveeva – LL.M. (University of Edinburgh, Commercial Law), legal consultant at JSC “Western High-Speed Diametr”.

Citation: Matveeva A. (2016) Ispolnenie otmenennykh resheniy inostrannykh arbit­razhnykh sudov: dolgozhdannoe novovvedenie ili put' k neopredelennosti? [Enforcement of annulled foreign arbitral awards: welcome development or pathway to uncertainty?]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, no.3, pp.18–36. (In Russian).


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