Author: Maria Filatova
Keywords: counter-limits doctrine; enforcement of the European Court of Human Rights decisions; law of the Eurasian Economic Union; relationship of constitutional and supranational norms
Modern development of legal systems and their interaction raises new issues of both theoretical and practical nature. The participation of Russia in different integration units makes the Russian law enforcement bodies face new challenges, the attempts to offer solutions of which have been taken, in particular, by the Russian Constitutional Court. Again we face the issue on the hierarchy of constitutional and supranational norms, overcoming conflicts between them and interaction of national (first of all, constitutional) and supranational courts. In particular, in its decisions of 2015–2016 the Russian Constitutional Court took a step forward to a new legal methodology aimed at solving the conflicts between supranational acts (including those of the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Court of Human Rights) and constitutional approaches and provisions. This methodology is based on the counter-limits doctrine worked out earlier through the cooperation with the European Union and its Member States (including Germany and Italy). The article focuses on the analysis of the perspectives of this doctrine application and the degree of its sufficiency to solve potential conflicts between national and supranational norms. It is highlighted, among other conclusions, that the counter-limits doctrine, being rather a means of restraint and not of frequent use, serves rather as a tool to promote the dialogue of legal orders than to aggravate conflicts among them.
About the author: Maria Filatova – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Judicial Power Department, National Research University – Higher School of Economics.
Citation: Filatova M. (2016) Sootnoshenie pravoporyadkov i ierarkhiya mezhdunarodnykh i natsional'nykh norm: novye voprosy i podkhody k ikh resheniyu v praktike Konstitutsionnogo Suda RF [Relations of legal orders and hierarchy of international and national norms: new issues and solutions in the Russian Constitutional Court’s case-law]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, no.3, pp.88–100. (In Russian).
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