Authors: Ekaterina Diyachenko, Kirill Entin
DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2017-3-76-95
Keywords: EAEU; Eurasian Economic Union Court; Eurasian integration; European Court of Justice; Russian civil procedural law
In the less than three years of its existence, the Eurasian Economic Union Court has been surrounded by numerous myths due to the significant changes in the Court’s statute in comparison to the EurAsEC Court. This in turn has led many researchers to question whether the Court actually possesses the necessary instruments to fulfill its mission and ensure the uniform interpretation and application of EAEU law. This issue is all the more important, because in the European Union the Court of Justice has played one of the leading roles in the development of European integration. Taking into account the numerous restrictions on the competence of the EAEU Court in the Court’s Statute, one might be tempted to answer in the negative. However, as the case law of the EAEU Court shows, not all the alleged restrictions prove to be real obstacles. In the present article the authors seek, on the one hand, to dispel some of the myths surrounding the competence of the EAEU Court and, on the other hand, to provide an in-depth analysis of the real problems and restrictions the Court is facing and to suggest possible ways of overcoming them.
About the authors: Ekaterina Diyachenko – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Counsellor to a judge, Eurasian Economic Union Court, Minsk, Belarus; Kirill Entin – Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Counsellor of the Legal research and analysis department, Registry, Eurasian Economic Union Court, Minsk, Belarus.
Citation: Diyachenko E., Entin K. (2017) Kompetentsiya Suda Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza: mify i real’nost’ [Competence of the Eurasian Economic Union Court: myths and realities]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, no.3, pp.76–95. (In Russian).
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