Inter-American Court on Human Rights: a review of practice for 2018

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Authors: Edward Jesús Pérez, Oscar Parra Vera

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2019-3-3-17

Keywords: 2018; due process; gender; gross violations of human rights; Inter-American Court of Human Rights; law enforcement; State responsibility


The submitted article presents a brief overview of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ most important case law of 2018. As is shown in the paper, in the course of 2018, the decisions of the Court created important developments for the Inter-American law which are significant for the region. The paper considers the Court’s (1) considerations on the compatibility of a presidential pardon with the international law in cases of gross violations of human rights, (2) economic, social and cultural rights, and the obligation of progressive development of those rights, (3) due process, jury duty and sexual violence, (4) women´s rights, (5) international adoption. The paper then focuses on the case law of the Court concerning two specific countries: Colombia and Mexico. The multiple decisions addressed highly relevant topics such as free speech and the right to life, state responsibility for ultra vires acts, forced disappearances of individuals within custody, sexual torture, gender stereotypes, and law enforcement by military officials.

About the authors: Oscar Parra Vera – Magistrate of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace of Colombia, Bogotá, Columbia; Edward Jesús Pérez – Senior Attorney, Inter-American Institute for Social Responsibility and Human Rights, Caracas, Venezuela.

Citation: Parra Vera O., Jesús Pérez E. (2019) Mezhamerikanskiy Sud po pravam cheloveka: obzor praktiki za 2018 god [Inter-American Court on Human Rights: a review of practice for 2018]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, vol.9, no.3, pp.3–17. (In Russian).