Available in Russian
Authors: Edward Jesús Pérez, Oscar Parra Vera
DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2020-3-20-40
Keywords: due process; gross violations of human rights; Inter-American Court of Human Rights; State responsibility
The submitted article presents a grasp of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ most important case law of 2019. As is developed during the paper, during 2019, the Court made important developments on Inter-American law which will have relevant incidence for the region. The paper starts making reference to the following topics: (1) due process of law, (2) context and state responsibility, (3) transitional justice, (4) right to freedom and detention conditions, (5) duty to investigate and prosecute gross human rights violations, (6) the right to social security, and (7) the right to freedom of expression.
About the authors: Oscar Parra Vera – MSc. in Criminology and Criminal Justice (University of Oxford), Magistrate of the Chamber for the Acknowledgment of Truth, Responsibility and Determination of Facts and Conducts of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia, he served as coordinating attorney at the Secretariat of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Bogota, Colombia; Edward Jesús Pérez – LL.M. in International Law (University of Cambridge), Senior Legal Adviser for Center for Reproductive Rights, he was a lawyer for the Secretariat of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and a Professor at the Andrés Bello Catholic University, Bogota, Colombia.
Citation: Parra Vera O., Jesús Pérez E. (2020) Mezhamerikanskiy Sud po pravam cheloveka: obzor sudebnoy praktiki za 2019 god [Inter-American Court of Human Rights: a review of practice for 2019]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, vol.10, no.3, pp.20–9. (In Russian).